The ceremonies and beliefs were kept secret. Participants were forbidden from speaking about the ritual upon punishment of death. The mystery cult invited all people, accepting slaves, women and men, regardless of financial standing and background. Initiates gathered yearly to walk the Sacred Way from Athens to Eleusis—a journey of thousands of miles—calling for Kore and re-enacting Demeter's search for her daughter. When they arrived to Eleusis, they would rest by the well Demeter sat by while searching for Kore. The initiates would fast, then drink a barley and mint drink called Kykeon. Scholars believe this drink contained a psychedelic derived from Ergot, a fungus that grows on rye, cultivated by the keepers of the Mysteries. After drinking the Kykeon, the participants entered the Telesterion, an underground theatre, where the secret ritual took place. Most likely, it was a symbolic re-enactment of the death and rebirth of Persephone, which the initiates watched and, perhaps, took some part in.
Virtually every important thinker and writer in antiquity was an initiate of the Mysteries, including Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero and Sophocles. Cicero called Eleusis “the most exceptional and divine thing Athens ever produced. Nothing is higher than these mysteries...they have not only shown us how to live joyfully but they have taught us how to die with a better hope”. Plato described the experience as “seeing brilliant beauty, a blessed sight and spectacle”.
Author Waverly Fitzgerald sums up the experience beautifully, writing, “It was said of those who were initiated at Eleusis that they no longer feared death and it seems that this myth confirms the cyclical view of life central to pagan spirituality: that death is part of the cycle of life and is always followed by rebirth”. Every ancient testimonial reflects this same understanding and each has the same tone of enlightened liberation from the fear of death.*
Here, you will find simple earth-based and nature-oriented practices, prompts and rituals that will help you embody the energy and qualities of Demeter.
Look again into your hand and see there is yet another seed. This is a seed of dreams and purpose. Plant it with love and care, so it may grow in your life. Walk away from the soil. As you look back, see the plot of soil where you planted the seed. Do you see anything growing? Guard well this garden of your mind and soul. It is your garden of Eden wherein may grow your fondest desires and hopes, blossoming into fulfillment, or if you permit, the weeds of fear and doubt will consume the beauty of hope. Watch carefully then this garden of your soul. Plant there seeds of happiness, joy and peace and good will. It may be necessary to cultivate your garden from time to time, to uproot the weeds and plant new seeds, new ideas, broader visions and deeper realizations of life. Watch your garden carefully, guard it patiently, waiting for a new harvest, for you shall reap what you have sown. Plant love and kindness in your garden. Go often into your garden, sitting under the tree of life in quiet communion. You will find fresh inspiration.
Practice by by Mile Hi Church on Insight Timer
Dive deeper into the world of Demeter and the Eleusinian Mysteries
with these resources including books, articles and videos.
✎ Book
‘The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries’
by R. Gordon Wasson, Albert Hofmann & Carl A. P. Ruck -
✎ Book
‘Eleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter’
by Carl Kerényi -
✎ Book
‘The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name’
by Lilith Dorsey -
✎ Book
‘The Long Journey Home: Revisioning the Myth of Demeter and Persephone for Our Time’
by Christine Downing -
☆ Youtube Video
‘The Best-Kept Secret in History’
by After Skool -
✦ Article
‘The Eleusinian Mysteries: The Rites of Demeter’
by Joshua J. Mark -
✦ Article
‘The Greek Festival of Thesmophoria’,
by N.S. Gill -
✦ Article
‘Demeter’s Daughters: Women of the Thesmophoria’
by Mary E. Naples -
✦ Article
‘Unraveling the Eleusinian Mysteries’
by Mary E. Naples -
☾ Thesis
‘Demeter's Daughters: How the Myth of the Captured Bride Helped Spur Feminine Consciousness in Ancient Greece’
by Mary E. Naples -
✦ Article
‘Eleusinian Mysteries and Psychedelic Enlightenment’
by Mustapha Itani -
✎ Book
‘Evolutionary Herbalism: Science, Spirituality, and Medicine from the Heart of Nature’
by Sajah Popham
Image Credits:
Photographic print of Ceres/Demeter 1889 • Ceres Copperplate engraving • Antique Print Statue of Ceres 1856, British Museum Folio Book Plate • Glenn Mullaly • Demeter, by Kathlyn Breene • The Moon Oracle • Ceres Goddess (Allegory of Summer, 1895), Franz Bouhumil Doubek • Thalia Took • Demeter Mourning for Persephone (1906) Evelyn de Morgan • The Return of Persephone (1891) Frederic Leighton • Ceres (1717) Jean Antoine Watteau • Demeter rejoiced, for her daughter was by her side (1914), Walter Crane • Jennifer Parks